The EGS Student Well-Being Team is dedicated to supporting each student by promoting positive attitudes, choices, and behaviours.
The Well-Being Program supports both the School’s mission and objectives and the Learner Profile, and aims to:
develop transferable skills in compassionate thinking and self-management
develop skills to foster the peaceful resolution of conflict
promote the development of physical health, ethics and social behaviour
encourage lifelong learning
provide an environment where students feel secure and welcome
promote respect for the rights of everyone
Our team encourages everyone in our school community to promote and maintain appropriate conduct, and this is characterized as behaviour which:
Values and respects the rights of others, including the right to learn
fosters a happy, safe and secure environment
recognizes that each member of the community is unique
treats others fairly
expects members of the community to take responsibility for their actions
promotes compassion and tolerance
develops skills for a peaceful resolution of conflict
values and respects others and their differences
addresses inappropriate behaviour
upholds the School’s mission, objectives and ethos