School Uniform

"Humility and knowledge in poor clothes excel pride and ignorance in costly attire"
... William Penn

The green and blue colour of the uniform symbolizes the theme of the school – Global. Espee Global Uniforms – both summer and winter, have been designed keeping in view the values of heritage, culture, customs, and traditions. The uniform designs have been created for the children ensuring utmost comfort, weather friendly fabric, and the extremities of the weather in this northern belt, catering to all occasions.

In the senior school, the uniform takes a formal look which helps mould the students into the professions that would be undertaking in the years ahead.

The uniforms have to be worn on every working day of the school and on special school celebration or events. The students are allowed to wear casual clothes on their birthdays and any days as instructed by their facilitators.

PP1 to Grade 7

Grade 8 to 12

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"I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love. ~ Henry Ward Beecher "