Role of Parents

Expectations from Parents


  • To become familiar with the school philosophy, rules, expectations for students by reading student/parent handbook.
  • To support the school discipline program by teaching the school rules to their children at home.
  • To publicly say good things about the school and to tell the administration the things that should be improved.
  • To hold high expectations for their children, both academically and socially, and inform their children of their expectations.
  • To teach the value of good discipline by setting rules and limits at home.
  • To maintain regular communication with the school through formal and informal conferences with teachers and to be willing and available to discuss problems as they arise.
  • To talk positively about your child’s school and teacher.
  • To develop a partnership between your child’s teacher and yourself by visiting your child’s teacher.
  • To be prepared to assist teachers if your child begins to behave inappropriately.
  • To attend parent-teacher conferences when scheduled. 
Resource Parents

We believe parents are partners in our learning community. We like to involve our parents in the daily life of the School. Our parent population is extremely rich in experience and culture and we recognize that students benefit greatly from this. We welcome and encourage parents’ inputs.

Ways in which you can participate are :

  • Give a PPT presentation related to the unit.
  • Demonstrate your special talent in Art & Craft/ Music/ Dance/ Drama/ Puppet Show/ Poem Recitation and Storytelling.
  • Organise field trips and social events.
  • Organise Cookery Classes.
  • Share your career experience with students.
  • Help out in the Library.


Parent Teacher Meetings (PTM)

Parent Teacher Meetings at EGS are organized to discuss and reflect the learning process of each individual child. We organize the following :

  • Unit reflection days to observe how children understand the concepts and reflect their skills.
  • Student conferences where students take you through their portfolio and explain the journey of their learning.
  • Exhibitions to showcase their talent.
  • Report card is given twice a year which reflects the progress of each and every aspect of the child.
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"He who seeks more than he needs hinders himself from enjoying what he has.~ Hebrew Proverb "