Message from the Principal Desk

Message from the Principal’s Desk.

Welcome to The Espee Global School, Roorkee, situated on the highway from Delhi to Dehradun. Our school's purpose is to educate the youth of Roorkee so as to take their productive place as leaders in the global community by offering our learners a comprehensive education from the Pre Primary to Grade 12. We are a caring community where students' needs are a priority and where traditional Indian and modern Western educational values are respected and encouraged to coexist. EGS offers preparatory programmes aiming to provide a challenging academic environment emphasising on learning, as well as social and personal growth.

Into my sixth year at EGS, I am delighted that the school’s values align with my own personal values, including the importance of trust, respect, innovation and a sense of community. The school has gone through a significant development since its inception in 2012. Now a Senior Secondary School affiliated with the CBSE, we look forward to the future to build on these firm foundations which we have established focusing on the quality of school life, especially for the benefit of our learners. We have appointed high-quality teachers. The curriculum will continue to be regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains appropriate to the needs of our learners. In addition, the Library and Science and Arts laboratories in school have been upgraded with the latest technology; this will allow learners and teachers to fully exploit the very best of modern learning opportunities.

At EGS, the educational community strives for excellence by preparing students for learning beyond their school years and assisting them to become lifelong learners, as well as helping them to be self-directed, realistic, and responsible decision makers when solving problems that they will encounter in our multicultural, ever-changing world. Ultimately, each learner will gain from their life at school according to the effort they apply.

We strongly believe in the importance of teacher – parent collaboration openly and frequently. We continually improve the quality of tools of communication, including giving our parents access to an interactive website where they can retrieve pertinent information about their children's academic achievement. You are encouraged to regularly check our website and read about our exciting academic and co-curricular activities. We look forward to serving you and your children over the coming years. Interested parents are encouraged to contact our school and to ask any questions they may have regarding our school and the programmes we offer.

Shawn Clifford Tims



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"He who seeks more than he needs hinders himself from enjoying what he has.~ Hebrew Proverb "