Code of Conduct

Dress Code Policy

Studies have shown that uniforms can play an important role in improving school culture, making school safer, promoting a more positive learning environment, and improving student outcomes, including attendance, grades, behaviour, and test scores. With these points in mind, it is MANDATORY for all students to wear their school uniform.

Attendance Policy

During registration, records of lateness and absences are recorded on our database. Presence & Absence is also recorded on students’ report cards. Students must be present in class the stipulated number of days each year to be considered for promotion. Within two days of returning to school after being absent, the student must bring a written note from a parent/guardian stating the date and reason for the absence, a telephone number for the parent/guardian, and a signature of the parent/guardian. Students with excused absences have the responsibility to make up work assignments missed within one week.

Late Arrival and Early Dismissal

Students arriving late for school must sign-in at the Reception. If a student wishes to be dismissed early from school, an explanatory note should be sent to the class teacher by the parent. The student should also inform reception of their early dismissal in order to update attendance.


Be On Task
Rationale: Just as people go to work, students come to school. It is important that we all arrive on time with the necessary books, student handbook & completed assignments. These tools will enable to be on task at all times:
  • Follow Directions
  • Listen carefully and help reflecting their understanding.

Show Respect for Yourselves and Others through both Your Actions and Your Words
You must always remember to treat others as we would like to be treated. You would not want anyone laughing at you or calling you names. Being a friend and respecting one another helps you to be happier, more productive students.

  • Be Polite
  • Keep Your Hands, Feet, and Objects to Yourselves
  • No Teasing or Name-Calling
  • Use the Appropriate Tone of Voice
  • Respect School Property
  • Follow the Dress Code

Ensure Your Safety and the Safety of Others

Rationale: If you or someone you cared about was hurt because of carelessness, how would you feel? Remember to use school materials such as pencils, rulers, and scissors in the appropriate manner. We are all responsible for our own safety and the safety of others.
  • Walk in an Orderly Manner
  • Keep Your Personal Space
  • Keep Your Hands, Feet, and Objects to Yourselves
  • Walk at All Times
  • No Fighting


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"I never knew how to worship until I knew how to love. ~ Henry Ward Beecher "